The symbols of IHYL
This is the basis of everything. The Gravemind rune reflects to be one of the tribe. It's based on northern mythology and astrology.
In the symbol's heart are the northern runes for G (Gebu - Divine Interaction) & M (Mannaz - Divine Union/Mainifestation), surrounded by a circle which in this case reflects the sun and center. Beside their very own meaning and power they mirror the essential core of GraveMind (which... for those who don't know, is the legacy name of IHYL).
The 2nd circle may be seen as a ship's wheel, while at the same time building a compass - both go hand in hand with the idea of 'Stay The Course'.
At the top of the symbol you will see the brand of sacrifice, which in this case reflects the idea of giving everything that you've got to the cause - the goal you wish to fulfill. On top of it sits an arrow which leads into the heavens. Upwards. It embodies integrity, to hold your head up high and to stand UP again when you fall down. It underlines the 'never give up' attitude. At the same time it's mirroring the Teiwaz (Upright Position/Leadership/Strength) rune.
At the bottom of the symbol the Inguz (fertility/new beginnings/growth) rune is placed. It shall serve as the root of the rune and reflects that which nourishes us and gives us our foundation of power, the essence of life itself.
Attentive eyes will spot several Algiz (Divine Protection/Sanctuary) runes.
The planets of our solar system are surrounding the sigil, telling the story of the place you're located in.
There are a few more things to be found here, but I'm a fan of not explaining everything and to leave room for interpretation.
Attention: Ultimately, this sigil is meant as a power rune of protection, supporting you through struggle and help you stay the course. It's the journey from beginning to end, from earth to the heavens, in this universe. It's a reminder of the strength you've got within you and the power you can draw from it. It's also the main sigil for the idea of IHYL. To be one of the tribe and to never give up, despite all odds. BUT this is only the meaning and intention I put into it. I am sure you'll give it your very own sense and meaning. Ultimately, this rune is yours.
The warrior. A symbol of strength, power and resilience. It reflects the raw and infinitie potential that resides within you, always ready to be called upon. It goes back to traditional japanese samurai history and the warrior is surrounded by an enso, which reflects the philosophy of being right here in the moment. Your consciousness is free and therefore body and mind aren't held back to just exist and create without any borders. In the tradition of Zen-buddhism, painting an enso reflects the condition of the mind and body at the time of the creation.
The symbol itself carries many meanings. Some of them are these: Enlightenment. Strength. Elegance. The universe. Emptiness. And at the same time it symbolizes the japanese aesthetic itself. In this case, the enso is painted by the sword of the warrior. It's worth mentioning that the sword symbolizes the mind of man, which can be sharpened like a blade and therefore becomes the most dangerous weapon in this world. Needless to say: A real warrior knows when to put such colossal power into action.
'It's better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war.'
The butterfly embodies transformation. In this case it is combined with a skull, referring to the end of one thing and the beginning of something new. It's a symbol of letting go of the things that hold you back and being open for change. Death is not the end, it is the road to awe. It is a transformation that takes place. And it does take place over a trillion of times during a lifetime.
'The only constant is change.'
In regards to the butterfly effect it is safe to say that every small deed may have an enormous impact in this universe. Be mindful of death, but don't neglect it as it is as much a part of life as living itself. To live is to die. Over and over again.
'It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.'